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HAVE Money! Referrer Rewards!

We love our customers, plain and simple. And we've always appreciated the great referrals that many of our customers have sent our way over the years -- now more than ever! We'd like to formally encourage more of you to spread the word about our legendary personal service and our complete menu of MultiMedia Services by offering you an additional reward.

Referral Rewards from HAVE, Inc.

Here's how it works!

To all of our current MultiMedia customers who refer a new prospect to us that results in an order, we're offering a sweet 5% discount up to $50.00 off your next MultiMedia project with us!

Each time you refer a new customer to us that results in an order, you'll get an additional 5% reward, up to $50.00, for the next order you place with us! Call your HAVE MultiMedia Sales rep for details! 1-800-999-4283.

Couldn't be easier. All that new prospect has to do is let us know who referred them, and bingo, the reward is yours! We'll mail you out a certificate that you can hold on to, so you won't forget that your next MultiMedia duplication project comes with a reward!

The HAVE Money Referrer Reward program begins right now, and will last until April 1st 2010. So do tell your friends and colleagues about us, and start your savings coming.

Call 1-888-999-4283 for details!

Call: 888-999-4283

Why Choose HAVE

Who We Are

“Everyone is very pleased with the recording and the packaging. The CDs are selling like hotcakes!

Thanks so much for all your help with this project. I'll be sure to encourage my next client to go to HAVE Inc.”
Janet Marie Yeates
JM Yeates Graphic Design
Northville, NY
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